Symbol and Statistics


Derived from the Korean mythical legend of “Dangun,” the bear is the mascot of Dankook University.
Dankook believes in the necessity of preserving traditional and ethnic values,
as well as the values of endurance, diligence, self-support, and courage, which comes from the core of the story.

Statistics (as of 2020)
Campus Students Faculty Programs
Jukjeon 19,721 1,907 U – 11 schools, 36 programs
G – 9 schools, 195 programs
Cheonan 15,613 1,244 U – 12 schools, 49 programs
G – 5 schools, 99 programs
Total 35,334 3,151 U – 23 schools, 85 programs
G – 13 schools, 294 programs

  International Partnerships with 402 institutions in 63 countries world wide (as of 2020)

최종수정일 2023.11.08
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